Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Coops and Communist Snack Locker #2

Today is Cooper's birthday and he is now eighteen. Aww don't they grow up so fast? He can now legally do what he probably has never done: read porn. *ecstatic clapping in the background* Now I don't have a photo of Coops mainly because I never got around to it and because my phone is an utter whore and will no longer take photos. So here's a sorta description of Cooper: massively tall (but shorter than Jacob), tanned cos he's part Italian, black, and I think Polish if his last name is any indicator. And he has the most curly fluffy goddamn hair I have ever fucking seen. Like goddamn it's like he's a floofy princess or something. It's like he has clouds for hair. It's the groups favorite pastime to pat his hair. So damn soft. According to him, to achieve this level of fluffiness, one must think fluffy thoughts. Happy birthday Cooper. And remember, we will steal your birthday food.

Now for our second subject of the day: the Communist Snack Locker. Inventory has fluctuated to this:
•One and a half boxes of Blue Raspberry KoolAid
•One box of peanut butter go cups
•One container of homemade Blackberry & Strawberry jam
•One slightly bruised apple

We now just need bread and we can make sandwiches. Awwww yiss.

Have a good day whoever's reading this~!

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